Lindsay Nunez

Founder, Save Our Happy Place


I’m an environmental and climate activist living in New York City with the POV that consistent sustainable activism comes from a place of hope, optimism, and gratitude for the planet we live on. That is why I founded Save Our Happy Place, a weekly climate action newsletter, helping you to answer that burning question, "What can I actually do about climate change?" Helping others to find their voice within this movement in a way that is compassionate and empowering is a crucial step toward altering the trajectory of the climate crisis.

Source of Climate Optimism

Connecting with people in the climate sphere through writing my newsletter and then becoming a part of the Women and Climate community has truly been my greatest source of optimism. There are so many brilliant and driven people dedicating their time and energy to this movement. We don’t hear about them often enough. But knowing the incredible work that everyone is doing is not only enough to be optimistic about, but it’s enough to get excited about.
— Lindsay Nunez

Favorite Resource

Yale Program on Climate Change Communications

The studies coming out of this program paint such a unique picture of the climate movement and how people are engaging with it. We make a lot of assumptions about how many people care about climate change and the political breakdown of that caring, but it is often not what you expect. Having data to drive these discussions is truly powerful. I recommend signing up for their email list to get the latest reports.

